Fraud Alert

Photo by CreditRepairExpert

Remote Support Scams

Remote support telephone scam reports were made by over 11,000 Australians in 2018, as a result more than $4.5 million dollars was lost to remote support scams.

First of all, disconnect from the scam call and turn off your computer then above all else, immediately contact your bank or financial institution.

As a result, your bank will secure your accounts and attempt to block and recover any transfers.

Recovering your Computer

Keep your computer turned off because remote access software could be installed allowing further access.

Jason’s PC Services can fix damage such as unknown passwords, moved or deleted data, malicious and remote access software.

Jason’s PC Services can also provide a report for your bank stating your computer is clean and no longer remotely accessible.

In most cases I can check and clean your PC an hour or less.

Contact Jason’s PC Services

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